Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
4DEMS.ZIP | No | 42269 | 11/17/1993 | EMS Functions & Utilities 1.0 is a collection of C functions that work with EMS memory. (Paul A. Penrose) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
ALLOCWG.ZIP | Yes | 18214 | 6/22/1989 | Alloc contains several memory allocation procedures. (Willard Gersbacher) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
CONCUR.ZIP | Yes | 10697 | 6/22/1989 | ConCur 1.0 is a concurrent programming module for the C programming language that enables multi-tasking. (Richard Dickerson) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CPPTASK.ZIP | Yes | 54764 | 8/21/1991 | CPPTask is a multi-tasking kernel For C++. (Rich Smith) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CSWITCH.ZIP | Yes | 97950 | 10/14/1993 | CSwitch is a multitasking library. (Herb Rose) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
CTASK.ZIP | Yes | 355558 | 7/11/1993 | CTask 2.2d is a set of routines that allow your C program to execute functions in parallel, without your having to build in sophisticated polling and switching schemes. (Thomas Wagner) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DMMC.ZIP | Yes | 33555 | 7/9/1993 | Dynamic Memory Manager Interface for C 1.3c allows programmers to implement a virtual memory manager within any program written in C or assembler. (Sebastien Demers) (Reg.Fee: $28) |
DOCMEM.ZIP | Yes | 21413 | 5/5/1995 | DocMem 1.0 is a replacement set of calls for use in debugging dynamic DOS memory allocations in C programs. (Brian Reed) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DVMAM.ZIP | Yes | 21782 | 10/8/1990 | DVMAM 1.10 is a memory allocation function that enables your programs to access up to 24.5 megabytes of memory. (R.C.B. Enterprises) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
EMM4C10.ZIP | Yes | 18425 | 11/10/1993 | EMM Library for C 1.0 allows C programmers to allocate and free expanded memory similiar to malloc() and free() in the standard C runtime library. (Mike Marshall) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $38) |
EMS4C10.ZIP | Yes | 41173 | 10/28/1994 | Expanded Memory Management for C 1.0 is a library to implement version 3.2 of the LIM (Lotus-Intel-Microsoft) specification for expanded memory. (Mike Marshall) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
EMSIF.ZIP | Yes | 67602 | 7/15/1993 | EMSIF 2.42 is an interface to most common EMS functions such as allocating, mapping, freeing EMS and copying data to and from EMS. (James W. Birdsall) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
FAST32.ZIP | Yes | 3710 | 5/5/1995 | Fast32 1.0 is a useful method for accessing real mode memory space using Borland's PowerPack (DPMI32) 32-bit extender. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GP.C | No | 11621 | 9/6/1992 | GP.C contains a general, reentrant version of printf() that can easily be adapted to embedded systems. (Philip J. Erdelsky) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
LABYTE.ZIP | Yes | 9529 | 5/8/1992 | LAByte is a set of routines for handling memory allocation and pointers. (Logical Answers Corp.) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
MEM.ZIP | Yes | 7704 | 2/11/1990 | Mem (WB) is a set of C routines for diagnosing pointer problems, such as reference to freed space, overrun or underrun of buffers, failure to free space, failure to initialize malloced structures and more. (Walter Bright) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MEMALLOC.ZIP | Yes | 4254 | 7/28/1994 | MemAlloc is the C source code for a memory manager with moveable memory blocks. (Roger Moser) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MEMCHEK.ZIP | Yes | 17255 | 10/16/1991 | MEMCheck 1.0 is a library of functions to help monitor heap usage and heap consistency in a real time mode for programs written in Microsoft C. (Steve Bridges) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MOVETO.ZIP | Yes | 3312 | 2/23/1992 | MoveTo is an assembler routine that improves on memcpy/strncpy. (A. L., M. D. Bender) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MTASK.ZIP | Yes | 3510 | 5/8/1993 | MTask 1.0 is a multitasking Turbo C library. (I. H. Ting) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
OVRLYGM.ZIP | Yes | 14238 | 6/22/1989 | Overlay (GM) allows you to free up virtually all of your memory used by your currently executing application and then run another large program or shell out to DOS. (Greg Martin) (Reg.Fee: $53) |
PCVMM.ZIP | Yes | 26560 | 3/19/1990 | PC Virtual Memory Manager is the small and large model library for a fast memory manager that allows your application programs to allocate up to 32MB of virtual memory. (Superior Soft) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
PMAPP.ZIP | Yes | 81192 | 5/25/1994 | PMAPP is a toolkit to let you build large Borland C applications that run in protected mode. (Kevin Morgan) (Reg.Fee: $29) |
POINTER.ZIP | Yes | 23706 | 8/24/1994 | POINTER.HPP is a template class which wraps pointers to dynamic memory and insures that the dynamically allocated memory is deallocated when the pointer goes out of scope. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
RCS.ZIP | Yes | 5963 | 9/1/1992 | Reentrant Cache System 1.0 is the source for a reentrant cache system. (Philip J. Erdelsky) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
RDCF.ZIP | Yes | 55455 | 1/15/1993 | RDCF 2.0 is a ROMable, reentrant, DOS-compatible file system. (Philip J. Erdelsky) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
RMAXTSK.ZIP | Yes | 51736 | 12/30/1991 | RMAXTask 1.0 is a library of C functions for multitasking. (RMAX Development Group) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
SPAWNO.ZIP | Yes | 100052 | 4/25/1994 | Spawno 4.13 is a replacement for the Turbo C and Microsoft C spawn () functions. (Ralf Brown) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SPAWNSB.ZIP | Yes | 4377 | 5/26/1991 | Spawn (SB) 1.1 is a set of functions for swapping a program to EMS or disk in order to free up memory for another program and then restore the original program when the second one is done. (Steve Bridges) (Reg.Fee: $17) |
SSPAWN.ZIP | Yes | 6883 | 12/14/1993 | SSpawn is a spawn function for Borland C programs that will swap out most of the program to EMS or disk before spawning. (Paul A. Penrose) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TSR_C.ZIP | Yes | 23289 | 4/13/1992 | TSR_C is an example of a TSR in C that loads and unloads according to undocumented DOS. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TSRTOOL.ZIP | Yes | 132146 | 9/21/1993 | TSR Toolkit 1.5 is a toolkit for writing TSRs which need DOS access. (Geoff Friesen) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TXMS.ZIP | Yes | 16384 | 5/5/1995 | TXMS 1.0 is a library to enable C and C++ programs to gain quick access to extended memory via XMS. (TechniLib Company) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
VM7.ZIP | Yes | 206498 | 10/17/1993 | VM7 is a virtual memory manager for data in C programs. (KIS Systems) (Reg.Fee: $65) |
XMSIF.ZIP | Yes | 55479 | 11/14/1992 | XMSIF 1.42 provides a high-level interface to XMS control functions for common operations such as allocating and freeing XMS extended memory blocks and upper memory blocks and copying data to and from EMBs. (James W. Birdsall) (Reg.Fee: $5) |